Before leaving Portland, It was a must we try some clam chowder! The Porthole restaurant was rated some of the best clam chowders in Portland so I knew we had to go! It is located in the downtown area and parking was very easy to find! I started dinner with a cup of clam chowder and I can say this much…This was the BEST (I mean, BEST) clam chowder I have EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!!!! Even my friend who isn’t fond of clam tried it and loved it. I ended up eating not one cup, but three cups of clam chowder in one seating! If you ever visit Portland and you like clam chowder, don’t hesitate to visit The Porthole, you will not be disappointed!

After indulging in clam chowder soup, we were told the special of the day was $25 lobster (Yes, $25!!). I was completely shocked at how affordable the food was. I understand why because it was off-season, but it was so fresh and delicious. The lobster did not stand a chance, I devoured it (LOL). It was so good that I cannot even describe the taste, just go and try it for yourself. Even though it was off-season, most restaurants were still open. Don’t let the winter discourage you from visiting Portland! During peak season, I’m quite sure it’s more expensive. I had such a great experience that I wouldn’t mind visiting and paying season prices. After leaving Portland, I have never looked at seafood the same (No, seriously!).